The phrase “my how time flies” has got to be one of the eyerolling clichés of all times, but something happens to us when we get into our retirement years. And it did this weekend, when we got together with friends of ours.

Admittedly, it was the wine that instigated an in-depth discussion about, of all things, disco. The confessions of the platform shoes we bought, the high-collar shirts, overly flared pants, afro hair and more, brought back some great memories and a lot of laughs. It was at this time, one of the friends said, “my how times flies” and we all nodded our heads. And then the mathematician in the group said, “you know that was 50 years ago, don’t you?” Then the room went silent.
As the second glass of Chianti was poured, the conversation continued. While some of us in the room were in our 60s, a few others were in their 80s, and the evidence of time flying began to pour out. It triggered long discussions about our favourite TV shows of M*A*S*H* and Saturday Night Live through to Bewitched and The Dick Van Dyke Show. Travelling further back, we recalled The Honeymooners and even the Perry Como show. We remembered specific episodes, characters and even the commercials played around them. And of course, there was Saturday morning cartoons.

By now we were talking about our favorite bicycles, teachers, candy flavours and shoes. It was a fabulous trip down memory lane, and the ultimate evidence of “how time flies”. One brave person said that they didn’t feel that old, while another said, “my body tells me I am, every day!” It was a great evening, and when everyone left my wife continued the chat further, even though there was no wine left.
The: that was 50 years ago headline was still in our heads, and it was uncomfortable being there. It did explain why some of our favorite actors and musicians had been passing away lately. And why some of our favourite restaurants have been closing. And why Bazooka Gum is now twice the price while Bazooka Joe isn’t nearly as funny as he used to be.

Yes, time does fly. And you’ll likely wake up one day over 60, making grunting noises as you twist out of bed.
After the grunting, your trip downstairs for your morning coffee will reveal other noises your body makes, as you hit each step. The coffee will be magical. But the most important thing you’ll do next is to look forward to your day ahead. And that requires something to look forward to. And that requires a plan. Your agendum.
Reminiscing about your favourite candy as a kid with friends is a great idea but doing it frequently to keep that interaction with others, that is so important, requires a plan. Changes of scenery and focus, like vacations, a weekly trip to the library, an online course or writing your first novel, all require a plan. What’s that hobby you’ve been waiting to spend your retirement years on? An entrepreneurial venture? Moving to the cottage? Plan and get excited.
Sure, there are other important things like having a current will, your assigned powers of attorney and a financial plan in place, but equally important is a “you” plan.
Now go buy some gum.
Gary Hepworth – October 2024