Why Us?​
There are a lot of sources on the internet when it comes to planning your retirement years, but few of them have what myAgendum has, and that's..... experience.
It was our experience that caused us to create myAgendum. After speaking with the many that have left the workforce, without truly planning for their lives forward, we decided it was time to support people with creating that confident path forward.
A path forward that would include both of the long-awaited opportunities to come as well as the potential realities ahead.

So, "why us" you ask?
When it comes to personal planning for those over 60, we look at successful aging through multiple lenses, not just your cash flow... your life.
While there's no doubt that financial planning is a key element of your retirement plans, our view is that there is much more to living your "second life" and that's something worth planning for.
Our years of experience allows us to think of the many things that people don't, until it's too late. Our view, is that a life worth living is one worth planning for, and that's what we're here for!